Disability at work – Coaching and Consultancy

I can use my experience of living and working with deteriorating hearing to support people with disabilities to realise their full potential at work.

Are you looking for someone to support you to manage your disability and be successful at work?
Are you a manager looking for help to get the best out of your disabled staff?

Work with individuals

Recently I have been

  • Coaching with people who are feeling stuck, frustrated, isolated or losing confidence in their ability to be successful in their chosen field of work; or facing a decision about whether/when or how to discuss disability with their employer or prospective employer
  • Supporting and coaching someone with dyslexia with academic assignments and course work

What I can offer you
1:1 and/or 3-way coaching to help you:

  • Develop strategies to manage your work environment and relationships
  • Feel safe to talk about how your hearing loss/disability is affecting you at work, find support, develop strategies and stay motivated
  • Clarify career goals and work out how to start moving towards them
  • Prepare for interviews or difficult meetings or discussions
  • Settle into a new role or organisation
  • Engage the support of other people eg manager or colleagues

Work with organisations

Recently I have

  • Designed and facilitated focus groups for disabled staff on support and development needs
  • Contributed to improving services to Deaf and Disabled business people as a member of Business Link in London’s Deaf and Disabled Entrepreneurs Advisory Group

What I can offer organisations
Consultancy with managers to

  • Help you understand the support and development needs of your employees with hearing loss/disability
  • Get the best out of current staff and recruit talented new people who may have disabilities
  • Improve staff and customer satisfaction by developing a culture and workplace environment which is both accepting of and welcomes diversity

Why employ someone specifically to work with disabled staff?

People who are managing a disability at work may be dealing with additional barriers to success and may also be missing out on personal development because standard courses and other events are not accessible to them. One to one coaching/mentoring can help people overcome these barriers and develop strategies to become successful at and through work.

I believe that developing my own strategies for managing my hearing loss has made me a more empathetic coach/mentor and honed my skills of active listening, incisive questioning, checking for understanding and giving constructive feedback.

I have 20+ years experience working for organisations striving towards equality of opportunity and being positive about diversity. My own person-centred approach means I start from a position of valuing and accepting every individual for who they are and being open to learning from different perspectives.

Next Steps:

To book your FREE consultation click here
To find out more about how I work and decide if you would like to work with me, click here
Read about my coaching and consultancy experience or an overview of Coaching/Mentoring and Feedback
To see what previous clients have said about their work with me, click here

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